• AnimationClip.SetCurve 设置曲线

    AnimationClip.SetCurve 设置曲线

    public void SetCurve(string relativePath, Type type, string propertyName, AnimationCurve curve);


    描述 :



    通常的名称是: “localPosition.x”, “localPosition.y”, “localPosition.z”, “localRotation.x”, “localRotation.y”, “localRotation.z”, “localRotation.w” “localScale.x”, “localScale.y”, “localScale.z”.

    1. using UnityEngine;
    2. using System.Collections;
    3. [RequireComponent(typeof(Animation))]
    4. public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
    5. public Animation anim;
    6. void Start() {
    7. anim = GetComponent<Animation>();
    8. AnimationCurve curve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0, 1, 2, 3);
    9. AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
    10. clip.legacy = true;
    11. clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curve);
    12. anim.AddClip(clip, "test");
    13. anim.Play("test");
    14. }
    15. }

    Material材质属性可以使用shader输出的属性名称制作动画。通常使用的名称是: “_MainTex”, “_BumpMap”, “_Color”, “_SpecColor”, “_Emission”。如何动画化不同材质属性类型:

    Float属性: “PropertyName” Vector4 属性: “PropertyName.x”, “PropertyName.y”, “PropertyName.z”, “PropertyName.w” Color 属性: “PropertyName.r”, “PropertyName.g”, “PropertyName.b”, “PropertyName.a” UV 旋转属性:“PropertyName.rotation” UV 偏移和缩放: “PropertyName.offset.x”, “PropertyName.offset.y”, “PropertyName.scale.x”, “PropertyName.scale.y” 对于在同一renderer的多个索引材质,你能想这样添加前缀:“[1]._MainTex.offset.y”

    1. using UnityEngine;
    2. using System.Collections;
    3. [RequireComponent(typeof(Animation))]
    4. public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
    5. public Animation anim;
    6. void Start() {
    7. anim = GetComponent<Animation>();
    8. AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
    9. clip.legacy = true;
    10. clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Material), "_Color.a", new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0, 0, 0), new Keyframe(1, 1, 0, 0)));
    11. clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Material), "_MainTex.offset.x", AnimationCurve.Linear(0, 1, 2, 3));
    12. anim.AddClip(clip, clip.name);
    13. anim.Play(clip.name);
    14. }
    15. }


    1. m_BackGroundColor: {r: .192156866, g: .301960796, b: .474509805, a: .0196078438}
    2. m_NormalizedViewPortRect:
    3. serializedVersion: 2
    4. x: 0
    5. y: 0
    6. width: 1
    7. height: 1
    8. near clip plane: .300000012
    9. far clip plane: 1000
    10. field of view: 60
    11. orthographic: 0
    12. orthographic size: 5
    13. m_Depth: -1

    这个显示FOV参数的名为field of view。如果你想要创建一个动画剪辑来动画相机的field of view,你应该传递field of view作为参数。
